Thursday 5 May 2011

Different Nozzles

Whilst sketching up ideas for my primary weapon I realised that I'd need some sort of nozzle for the water to come out of, so he's a bit of research I've done into different types of nozzles I can think of that are used in real life.

Fire hose
Garden Hose 2
Garden Hose 3
Garden Hose

Garden Hose 1

All of these hoses are relatively short in comparison to normal weapons in games. I think that when a weapon is smaller it is natural for them to do less damage. A good example of these would be TF2, the primary weapon is always larger than the secondary weapon and always does more damage. The same concept applies to real life, the bigger the weapon the more damage it is likely to do for example a 9mm pistol is less powerful than Cobra attack helicopter.

To combat this I'm going to make sure that the primary weapon for my character is larger than my secondary and melee weapons. Along with this I need to make sure the shape of the weapon or the shape of the character when it is holding the weapon can be recognized from a distance.

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